ITEA is a specialization of the EEA master
Master 2 : ICT engineering for eco-activities (ITEA)

This course aims to prepare (in sandwich courses, the second year), students for engineering level positions with skills to work on the design, integration, and implementation of eco-technologies, both in the building field and in the optimization of industrial processes in a sustainable development logic.
The training is given in alternating cycles of 5 weeks of classes and 8 weeks in industry.
This course is part of the Master of Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation (EEA) of ISTIC
The Master EEA of ISTIC is a master that prepares for careers as engineers and researchers in electronics. It offers important regional opportunities in the heart of the Rennes Atalante technology park, which includes more than 300 companies, laboratories and schools in the digital and telecoms sectors, as well as in France and abroad.

Specialization goals and objectives
The "ICT Engineering for Eco-activities" (ITEA) specialization of the Electronics and Telecommunications master's degree aims to prepare students with a first-year master's degree for engineering positions with competence in the design, integration, and implementation of eco-technologies.
The Master EEA speciality ITEA aims to train specialists with a double competence:
- First of all, the expertise in knowledge and methodologies to follow the evolution of technologies in the habitat, in the field of communication vectors such as cable, telephone associated with XDSL, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Wimax, radio local loop, or the future city networks in relation to intra-building networks: wifi, bluetooth, zigbee, carrier currents, EIB-KNX bus, LON, BACnet, Dali Enocean, etc.
- The second skill developed relates to building management (thermal, acoustic, lighting, energy, comfort, security, images, leisure, evolution of techniques). By extension, the aim is to train engineers with the skills to work in the design, implementation and integration of new communication and information technologies for the home, or groups of homes, offices or health care facilities, with a view to developing new services while taking into account the problems of use.
Two programs
Two programs of training in work-based learning :
- ICT engineering for buildings (ITB): engineering of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the purpose of energy and functional performance of residential and professional buildings; see RNCP sheet
- ICT engineering for measurement and control (ITMC): engineering of measurement and control technologies for the development of indicators in order to establish environmental diagnoses for continuous improvement recommendations within a sustainable development logic, see RNCP sheet
Which jobs?
The positions that this training is aimed at are related to the design, integration and use of electronic, computer and network technologies in the following sectors
- Designers: research and development engineers, design offices, architects, planners, installers
- Prescribers: HLM(low-income housing) service managers, large builders, maintenance and logistics engineers, inspection agencies,
- Project managers: marketing, development, sales, consultants, business managers
- Trainers: training of middle managers in the building industry
Which business fields?
Three main specific sectors of eco-activities:
- Building and home automation: products and services, remote management solutions, teleservice, remote monitoring, remote maintenance, BMS and BSA for domestic or tertiary housing, groups of houses, buildings or neighborhoods, management of intra- and inter-building flows and energy management taking into account sustainable development issues (energy performance).
- Health and dependency: technical aids for disabled or elderly dependents, telemonitoring; hospitalization and home care, telemedicine, hygiene, air quality and the environment of the home.
- Environmental diagnostics: remote measurement, instrumentation, specific sensors, water quality, air quality, soil quality, biodiversity, environmental impact of human activities, habitat and mobility, on the scale of a city, a territory, a living and working area integrating an Agenda 21 strategy.